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Installing and Uninstalling Native Apps

“Native” apps are installed and managed under control of the Apporto system.

NOTE: The Apporto Agent is a utility application that works in conjunction with the Apporto system to enable your local computer to install “native” apps from the App Store. You must install the Apporto Agent if you wish to install “native” apps from the App Store to your local computer.

To install a “native” app:

  1. Using your preferred web browser, navigate to the URL provided to you by your Admin (e.g. and log in to the system to access the App Store.
  2. Locate the app you wish to install, and click the Install button for the app.

  • The installer is automatically initiated, the button label changes to Installing, and the installation proceeds.
  • A status dialog displays while the installation is in progress.

      3. When the application is successfully installed, a “Successfully installed . . .” message shows at the top of the App Store screen, and the button label changes to Installed.

  • Windows OS: The application is available through the Start menu.
  • Mac OS: The application is available through the Applications folder.

NOTE: If the application is not installed successfully, a “Failed to install . . .” message shows at the top of the App Store screen, and the button label changes to Install Failed. Click the drop-down arrow on the Install Failed button and choose Install to try again, or choose Revert to cancel the installation.


To uninstall a “native” app:

  1. Using your preferred web browser, navigate to the URL provided to you by your Admin (e.g. and log in to the system to access the App Store.
  2. Locate the app you wish to install. Click the drop-down arrow on the Installed button for the app, and choose Uninstall.

  • The uninstaller is automatically initiated.
  • A status dialog displays while the app is uninstalled.

      3. Once the application has been uninstalled, a “Successfully uninstalled . . .” message shows at the top of the App Store screen, and the button label changes to Install.

NOTE: If the application is not uninstalled successfully, a “Failed to uninstall . . .” message shows at the top of the App Store screen, and the button label changes to Uninstall Failed. Click the drop-down arrow on the Uninstall Failed button and choose Uninstall to try again, or choose Revert to cancel the process.