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Editing  Announcement


You can edit an announcement to change the Title, Summary and/or Body of the announcement.


This short guide will show you step by step how to:



Edit Announcement


Using your preferred web browser, navigate to the URL for your Apporto system, for example, “”, and log in to the system using your Admin credentials.

Click the Announcements  icon in the Navigation panel.

The ‘Announcements’ screen displays.

Click the Operations  dropdown for the announcement you want to edit, then choose Edit.

The ‘Edit Announcement’ dialog displays.

The dialog is pre-filled with the current content for the announcement.

Edit the Title, Summary and/or Body of the announcement, as desired.

 “Mandatory” fields are identified by a red asterisk (*).

When all desired content has been edited, click Submit to save your changes.

The Edit Announcement dialog closes automatically, the Announcements screen refreshes to display your changes, and a confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.

If you omit a mandatory field, an advisory message displays at the top of the Edit Announcement dialog. Enter the required information, then click Submit.