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Remote Engineering

For technology companies, protecting IP is paramount – yet it is equally important to enable developers to be productive on their device of choice.

See how Apporto compares to today’s most popular virtual desktop providers.

Learn how Apporto helps enable a more secure mobile workforce with its Zero Trust Virtual Desktops.

Performance Virtual Desktops

Always Secure, Always Delivered in the Browser

No need to worry about the end user’s device or home setup. Data and code are always stored on the virtual desktop with no possibility of egress.

Least Privilege Access

Users have access to the applications and web resources they need - nothing more. This prevents bad actors from moving laterally on a network and accessing secure content.

Simple Management Console

Built from the ground up as a SaaS solution, we take care of all the infrastructure so you can focus on what matters. Customers report significant savings in IT time so they can focus on more important matters.

One Desktop For All Tasks

Virtual desktops optimized to deliver a fluid experience for all tasks - even Video conferencing and graphical applications. Our virtual desktops can be provisioned with multiple cores and generous RAM and GPUs to support a variety of code-compile-test development workflows.

Utility Servers and External Bridging

Sometimes a desktop is not enough. We can also host your utility servers, testbeds, or other supporting infrastructure. We can also securely bridge into your existing test networks.

Near-native User Experience

We use state-of-the-art techniques to make sure users have a great user experience: Advanced compression, geo-optimization, and autoscaling. Full-screen, multi-screen, and full keyboard access that even the most persnickety developer can appreciate.

Gartner Peer Insights

Gartner Peer Insights

Live Demo

Ready to test drive an Apporto virtual desktop?

30-Day Pilot

Try a fully deployed solution without the long-term commitment.