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Winter 18




Multi-cloud Architecture

Ability to run streamed apps on either Azure or AWS. This enables streaming of a greater variety of applications. For example, many applications such as Adobe XD require a true Windows 10 OS which is only available on Azure (AWS offers a Windows 2016 OS with the desktop experience). Or for instance, a gaming application may require a Tesla M60 GPU which is available on AWS.

Linux Desktops

Ability to run Linux Desktops. Now you can deliver Linux and Windows desktops and apps to your users from the same portal.

Virtual Desktops with Administrative Rights

Some virtual desktops (e.g. those used by computer science students) and some applications require students to have administrative permissions on Windows and root access on Linux. Now those can be delivered in the Apporto user portal.


Feature Settings

Ability for Admins to turn desktop features on/off globally for all users. Features that can be turned on/off include: File Upload, File Download, Screen Sharing, Snapshots, Analytics, and Messenger. When a feature is turned off, the desktop menu icon is disabled and users are unable to use the corresponding feature.

License Scheduling Enhancements

Ability to schedule recurring events. Improved views of daily, weekly, and monthly events. Ability to easily scroll back to today.

Admin UI Cleanup

Removed unused features (ex. Devices and Provisioning). Improved consistency of UI elements and terminology across screens.  

Google Analytics for Admin UI

Instrumented Admin UI with Google Analytics to gain a better understanding of which features are used the most and where users may get stuck.

File Upload Enhancements

File Upload handling for different file versions – prompt to replace or keep both versions. File Navigator performance enhancements.

Help Center Enhancements

New website on new hardware. Improved performance and content organization for Help Center.  




Performance Improvements

Optimizations for performance and up time.

Sound on/off Button

Audio-blocking was implemented in the Chrome 71 browser. This means sound will be off by default. Some applications, such as gaming, require sound. So we added a button to the desktop ribbon menu so users can turn sound on and off.

Admin Dashboard Apps Filter

Removed non-production (“Sandbox”) apps from Admin Dashboard.

Intuitive Icons

Replaced screen sharing and analytics icons in the desktop ribbon menu with more intuitive icons. Replaced announcements and analytics icons in the Admin UI menu.